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Musing on Goodness - August 29

It's a short post this week.

This pandemic has required us to adjust to many new realities as we interact with each other. We've all experienced difficulties, at varying intensities, in adjusting to the changes.

The nature of travel has also changed and it’s still too early to say when we will return to "normal." I hope you have thus far been spared the necessity of taking a PCR or Antigen Test for COVID-19. Suffice it to say, both nasal swabs are vastly uncomfortable.

While the tests are quick and the discomfort easily forgotten, the requirement of having to quarantine, for an extended period, is another discomfort that I look forward to seeing put behind us when God has mercy and delivers us from the virus (like He did with the Spanish flu and many others).

Being home, even for what will be only a short time, has been very good. But now that the quarantine is behind me, it's gotten even better. I've been able to interact face-to-face (or masked-face to masked-face) with family and friends.

This pandemic has been hard on us all, having limited physical interactions has been hard on us all, not being able to see loved ones has been hard on us all, losing loved ones to this virus has been hard.

The introvert in me used to self-righteously scoff at my extraverted compatriots and their inability to be just fine in isolation. Being able to touch each other and interact with each other face-to-face (unencumbered by masks) are such simple things, but I didn't appreciate how important they were in human nature until this pandemic.

So I'm happy to be out now! Happy to finally be with my family, in truth. Happy to leave my house for short periods.

What good thing happened to you this past week?

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